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What is needed for mass adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency | Jordan Mack, Nervos network

What is needed for mass adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency | Jordan Mack, Nervos network

Jordan mack is a software developer specializing in blockchain and mobile applications. In 2011, he worked with the Bitcoin core team to solve issues and then moved on to other projects such as Ethereum, Cardano and horizen. Since the start of this year, he has been fully involved in the Nervos network. He has written multiple blockchain-related white papers and founded many blockchain projects along the way.

In this episode, we talk about ;

  • Buying his bitcoin when it was only $2 and what happened to them,

  • Early bitcoin community including Satoshi, Hal Finney and Gavin Andresen,

  • Mass adoption of cryptocurrency and some use cases,

  • Crypto regulation,

  • Smart money and bitcoin,

  • Nervos network,

  • Finding projects you’re passionate about.

Connect with Jordan,

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Real stories of people who have found their purpose, hosted by someone who’s finding his own. Insights on how you can leverage your obstacles and challenges into meaningful lessons that could pave the way to life-changing opportunities. The new normal is to not be normal and this show will cover on why it pays to think and act differently.“Life happens for you, not to you”