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Are you underestimating cybersecurity threats? l Preetam Dutta, Founder of Elpha Secure.

Are you underestimating cybersecurity threats? l Preetam Dutta, Founder of Elpha Secure.

Preetam Dutta is an investor who specialises in cybersecurity and computer science. He completed his PhD in computer science from Colombia university and is now focused on using his broad skillset to create platforms around cybersecurity. Elpha Secure is currently his main project which provides a complete cybersecurity solution by combining technology and insurance. Furthermore, he is a national member of "Schools that can" with the vision of closing the existing opportunity and skills gap.

In this episode, we dive deeper into :

  • Cybersecurity insurance and why businesses need them,

  • Importance of Personal Data security,

  • Innovations in the cybersecurity industry,

  • Evolving landscapes of work and what we can do about it,

  • Riding the megatrend of cybersecurity through industry leaders.

Connect with Preetam

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Real stories of people who have found their purpose, hosted by someone who’s finding his own. Insights on how you can leverage your obstacles and challenges into meaningful lessons that could pave the way to life-changing opportunities. The new normal is to not be normal and this show will cover on why it pays to think and act differently.“Life happens for you, not to you”