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Sentiment analysis for trading | Sofien Kaabar, institutional forex strategist

Sentiment analysis for trading | Sofien Kaabar, institutional forex strategist

Sofien is an institutional forex strategist and a trader. He is author of multiple books including "the book of back-test" and "the handbook of exotic trading strategies". He is passionate about helping new traders achieve their goals and have created a unique course on "Applied sentiment analysis for trading". He specialises in trend analysis, machine learning, forecasting and creating winning trading strategies.

In this episode, we talked about :

  • Sentiment analysis including the put/call ratio and VIX,

  • Macro indicators used for forex trading,

  • Benefits of backtesting and some tools we can use to do so,

  • Importance of recording your trades and reviewing them regularly,

  • Dark pools,

  • Harmonic patterns.

Personally, my biggest takeaway from our conversation was how disciplined and methodical Sofien is with his trading system.

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